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Autoresponder Madness Intro

Yes, that's been a slogan that's become “synonymous” with the highly popular Autoresponder Madness email marketing course from Andre Chaperon.
We will address exactly what to expect in this no-holes-barred Autoresponder Madness review.

You do have to admit that a slogan like that is going to get people excited.
The reason for this of course is; the average marketer just doesn't have a ton of partners available to help them build their lists into the HUGE masses like most of the guru email marketers do.
Another reason it's been so popular is that whether you're a guru or a newbie, the old style of “churn and burn” style of email marketing that many of the gurus used, simply isn't going to cut it these days.
Building of tight relationships with your email subscribers is more important now than it's ever been.
Thankfully, we have a guy like Andre who has is always working behind the scenes. Testing and tweaking everything to obtain the best results possible.
To teach us the ropes of doing it the proper way.
Learn How To Get Your Emails Delivered To The Inbox 100% Of The Time.

The highly anticipated Autoresponder Madness is here, and like always; it's being received amazingly well by purchasers of the program.
Here's Ryan Deiss. A multi-millionaire online marketer. This guy pretty much started out by selling a book on “how to make your own baby food”…

And he's STILL using Andre's methods in his business TODAY.

While one would probably argue that there certainly wasn't anything wrong with the first two renditions of the program, it's great to see how Andre Chaperon has been tweaking the program through the years to match up with the different learning styles of people.
The Original Autoresponder Madness Changed Email Marketing Forever
Very well known gurus such as Ryan (above) are saying things like: “This is the best course I've taken all year.”
In the case of Autoresponder Madness, isn't only Ryan Deiss saying this. It was many, many of the most well known and respected “top earners” in the industry picking up and using what Andre teaches and shows.

The fact is; Andre is gaining massive momentum just from some of these big guys discussing this course with their own participants in the live events they hold.
The original ARM certainly did change the way that email marketing was viewed forever. The fact is; it gave everybody a HUGE wake up call.
For most, nobody had ever heard of an SOS sequence, or a PLS strategy.
The course broke new ground for email marketing, and for the vast majority, the results they were seeing from implementing Andre's strategies, was taking their businesses to brand new levels they hadn't seen before.
Learn How To Get Your Emails Delivered To The Inbox 100% Of The Time.

The Hook, Line, And Sinker Of Autoresponder Madness
We've all heard of the phrase, “You can teach a man how to fish, but…”, you know the rest.
In Autoresponder Madness Andre has addressed this really well.
He's come up with a structure that works well for people who may want to move through the course at a fairly rapid pace, or for others who like to take things a little bit slower, it works for their needs as well.
Andre's made it possible by implementing a system where the user has to click to confirm that all of the work that was needed to complete the lesson, has been accomplished – before they can move onto the next lesson.

This works great for a few different reasons…
It "entices" the participants to buckle down, and actually do the work that's required of them. In other words, they are actually implementing by "doing".
Also, by locking up the next lesson, it gives them the incentive to complete the lesson by wanting to discover what the next lesson is all about (sure, I suppose you could lie… but that's not going to do you any good now is it?).
This also allows people to work at their own pace. In the earlier renditions of the course which was all delivered by email, a person didn't have a choice but to wait until the following week for the next lesson.
With the new format, it's no longer required to wait if you've done the work and want to move on.
By having content locked, it prevents people from the "overwhelm" that is often a problem with many courses.
When people are given the whole "enchilada" and are able to access everything all at once, people will sometimes feel a little bit too overwhelmed by everything, which sadly, also leads to people not taking any action at all.
The way Andre has presented Autoresponder Madness, it does a great job of addressing all of these issues. So some “high five” kudos to Andre for coming up with a great solution.

One thing about Autoresponder Madness, is that it's DEFINITELY not short on content at all, in fact it's the very opposite!
Each of the lessons presented are extremely in depth.
And if you are completely new to Andre's style of teaching, you're sure to be very impressed by the layout and structure that Andre's become very well known to use in his training products.
Yes, a course like this is a lot of work. But in this Autoresponder Madness Review we've revealed the knowledge, insights, and “aha” moments that you gain from it.
Autorepsonder Madness will have you entering a league and level of email marketing that very few have.
There are sections such as “Real Product Launch Sequences” that are extremely valuable!
He continuously does his own testing, and shares new insights and results with members of Autoresponder Madness.
Once you become a customer of ARM, you are entitled to all updates and added upgrades that occur with the course for life!
No upgrade fees ever. This is a massive benefit because so many people are charging for new versions or for support and updates.
NOT with Autoresponder Madness.
As with all courses online, there are pro's and con's to each of them. Here's a few:
"The PROs"
Very in-depth detailed lessons that are easy to understand and absorb.
It's taught in a fashion that will suit various types of learning styles. As mentioned above, it's applicable for people who may go through courses rather quickly, or for people who like to take their time with courses.
The course itself is "the learning process".
One of the greatest things about the way Autoresponder Madness has always been taught is that Andre is teaching the "concepts" right inside of the material itself.
In other words, you discover that you are actually inside of an SOS (Soap Opera Sequence) which is one of the main concepts you'll learn about in ARM.
It's pretty cool, and it really helps to “cement” the concepts that Andre is teaching in the course.
The price is fair.
For the price that Andre asks for the course, you are sure to have some moments where you feel that it's worth much more than the asking price.
Andre absolutely over-delivers in Autoresponder Madness.
Like many others have stated in the past, you may find yourself saying that it's the “best course you've ever taken…”
"The CONs"
It's pretty tough to come up with “cons” for Autoresponder Madness. But since no course is perfect there are some things you should be aware of:
Expect to do some work!
Yes, is NOT for people who simply want to get “results” without actually doing the work. It takes time to learn how to write and implement the concepts.
If you are one of those people who expect some type of “push button” riches here, then this probably isn't for you.
Those don't really exist anyway though, do they?
Some of the concepts may take some people longer to grasp.
While Andre does do a fantastic job in teaching, some of this stuff might be a little bit advanced for some.
If you are completely new to email marketing, you may experience a little bit of this. However, it usually just takes a few times of going through each lesson, to eventually understand what is being taught.
Of course, you have “unlimited” access to all of the lessons for life, once you become a customer 🙂
In my opinion, Andre's Autoresponder Madness does live up to it's “high praise”, and it's a masterpiece that continues to evolve into the vision that Andre has for it.
He's done a great job with the upgrades he's made to it, and I'm sure that in the future it's going to continue to over deliver and exceed people's expectations!
All in all, it's not hard to see why it's considered to be one of the BEST email marketing courses ever released to online marketers period.

I hope you've enjoyed this review of Andre Chaperon's product and would highly recommend you take a very close look at Autoresponder Madness.