SAS Bootstrap Method

The MUST HAVE Shareasale Guide

I SHOW You Exactly How To Be A Shareasale Affiliate

Get Ready To Tap Into REAL PHYSICAL Products People Want!

Shareasale is a marketplace where vendors list their products on their site and they handle the transactions.

However, these vendors/merchants also allow affiliates to promote their product/s (known as: affiliate marketing)

ShareASale (SAS) - A Little Background...

Now we know what affiliate marketing is, let's talk about ShareASale.

Why ShareASale is a Trusted Affiliate Network?

Basically, they're one of the best marketplaces you can use as an affiliate marketer.

So Why Isn't There Much Talk About Shareasale?

Other marketers/influencers want you to take the easiest route. 

This is usually ClickBank.

There's nothing wrong with ClickBank (I personally use it and it's good in many ways) but every affiliate and their dog uses it! 🙂


Because it's super-easy to join. It's pretty much immediate and you don't need any prerequisites to get browsing products.

That's GOOD right?

Well… yes and no.

It's good that's it's easy to be accepted (anyone can literally join) so it's billed as a great place to get started.


The problem is because every “affiliate” (the good, the bad and the ugly) use ClickBank it can become VERY saturated!

In turn you'll see ads, pages and websites all promoting the SAME offers.

Nobody "educates" On How To Become a Shareasale Affiliate.

For US that's a good thing!

Because there isn't any one-stop solution that shows/teaches you all the steps I decided to create the Shareasale Bootstrap Method.

The truth is; I've been using Shareasale since 2009 (I started with ClickBank in 2007). I've even been to their affiiate VIP parties in Las Vegas (that's another story) 😉

If I wasn't told about Shareasale and shown the ropes (by a friend) I probably never would have joined.

Thankfully I was, because it's been VERY worth it!

Unlike a lot of many other networks they have a ton of physical products that pay really good commissions (the best around I would say).

I haven't found another marketplace that has so many quality products with such good payouts.

This is why I want to get the word out and “educate” others on how to become a Shareasale Affilaite instead of heading down the regular paths. 

Also you'll be a respected affiliate. No more low-quality thin landing pages. 

Once approved you'll literally have unlimited access to “EVERGREEN” products!

The SAS Bootstrap Method is going to show YOU !!

This is a full 54-page guide that will show you how to get up and running as a Shareasale affiliate with "must-do" actions on how to get the best results.

You won't find this all in one guide…

Remember; this is no fly-by night system. I've used this for over 15 years!

The Shareasale Bootstrap Method isn't like other products that promise overnight success. It's a "REAL WORLD" training guide that if you follow and learn you will have the tools and education needed to succeed online.


Ignore the hype and promises that unscrupulous marketers shove down your throat.

You NEED to do the work.

You have to see what you do online as your own business, and any business (online or offline) takes “work”.

99% of what you see and get is here today – gone tomorrow.

Do you know that I hardly buy or use any tools?

There's only a handful of tools I use and that's it.

You don't need 20+ tools that promise to create you an Epic online presence (usually push button) only to find that they don't live up up to their promises.

The thing is; most of these tools/systems are short-lived.

Focus and dedication are what's required to make it online (as it is offline).

The key is to find one product/system/method and follow it!

So What's The Cost?

I firmly believe in ethical marketing and always put a fair price on what I create.

In fact, I usually underprice the value of my products.

Especially when I see what else is being sold for crazy money.

Thing is; I WANT you to succeed.
I am lucky enough to have a system that WORKS and I don't mind sharing it with you (there's enough online market share for all of us).

Back to the question…

I could easily charge $77 or even $97 for the Shareasale Bootstrap Method.

That's what most other marketers have said it's worth.

But I want to make it accessable and for a very fair price.

So for a limited LAUNCH time I'm giving it to you for only $47. $17!!

30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

In fact I'm so confident that you'll be happy with the SAS Bootstrap Method I'm giving you a 30-Day 100% money back guarantee through ClickBank.

See, I do use ClickBank 🙂 They're easy to handle my transactions and great to list my products there.

It's MY 'Method, my system'. What I show has worked for years and will continue working!!

Grab a copy of The ShareASale Bootstrap Method NOW! 
You won't regret it!!

LAUNCH PROMO – Grab it NOW before the price goes up!!


If you're ready to learn how to be a successful ShareASale affiliate then The SAS Bootstrap Method is for YOU!


Get More Information On How To Successfully Promote Products On The ShareASale Affiliate Network.
Created by Mark Acutt, full-time digital marketer since 2007.
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