Sqribble vs Designrr
Sqribble and Designrr are tools that can help to turn your written content into well-designed Ebooks, whether you are laying out existing text onto a blank canvas, or using a premade design template.
You can simply drag and drop items, features and functions into your Ebook using such software, similar to modern website creators found today.
But first; a note…
I personally get the BEST discounts for both Sqribble & Designrr
NOTE: To keep this "exclusive" to my people these discount links are sent via email. You'll get discounts for both so it's your choice. No hard sell. No pressure. 100% guranteed no spam and your email is stored securely.
When it comes to eBook design, using eBook maker software is one of the easiest ways you can create an E-book while saving time and effort.
Two of the most popular eBook makers on the market today are Sqribble and Designrr. In the next section I will do a head-to-head comparison of the two best eBook creators based on several factors.

Next Up: A head-to-head comparison of the two BEST eBook creators...

- Price: There are several price points available for both Designrr and Sqribble.
- Templates: When it comes to templates, you’ll easily have access to over 200 templates available on both Sqribble and Designrr.
- Fonts: Both Sqribble & Designrr havehundreds of fonts to choose from!
- Importing: Both Sqribble & Designrr havehundreds of fonts to choose from!
There are several price points available for both Designrr and Sqribble.
Designrr’s lowest plan is the standard plan at $27/month. After that, you have the PRO, Premium and Business plans that cost $39, $49, and $99/month respectively.
For Sqribble, you’ll have to pay a one time fee of $67 for the basic plan. However, you have several add-ons that you can purchase after the initial basic plan. The add-ons are as follows: Sqribble Prime, Sqribble PRO, Sqribble Fantasia 3D, and Sqribble Auto Job Finder, which comes at $47, $97, $77, and $197 one-time fee respectively.
When it comes to templates, you’ll easily have access to over 200 templates available on both Sqribble and Designrr.
However, only Designrr allows you to customize your very own template, while Sqribble has easier to use and “prettier” templates.
If you’re a font nerd, chances are you’ll be impressed at Designrr’s 900+ Google Fonts that are included in the software, which is three times that of Sqribble’s (300 Google Fonts).
But do you really need all those fonts? Personally I find too much choice makes choosing more difficult and lengthens the process of actually choosing one! 🙂
Content Importing:
When you’re writing an Ebook, an easy way to edit and flesh out content is to import from a website or a blog. This allows you to take every kind of text and image in that external source to put into your Ebook for editing.
However, Designrr is the clear winner in this case, as it has a feature that allows you to import from Facebook and Google Docs, and also automatically transcribes and imports text from any video or audio file (including Youtube) to make it super easy to get informational content for your Ebook from such sources. Sqribble does not offer these options.
Ebook Creation Limit:
There is no limit to how many Ebooks you can create on both Sqribble and Designrr.
This is really good news as some older compeititors used to struggle with size and data limits. You won't find any issues here with either of these two.
Both Sqribble and Designrr have video tutorials explaining all of the software’s features.
They are both very comprehensive. Designrr used to be the leader here however Sqribble have recently updated their training and they're pretty fun to watch although Desinerr's are more to the point.
The winner here comes down to preference but both offere great training.
Push Button Content:
This is where Sqribble really has a massive advantage.
They have a built-in AI (artificial intelligence) writer to help create content as well as hundreds of pre-defined articles to generate your eBook in pretty much a few clicks!
This makes creating an eBook so much more simple compared to having to provide your own content or cources.
Yes you can import from more sources with Designrr but it doesn't have built in content and AI creation.
Final Thoughts
For the first-timer wanting to write an ebook, it’s safe to say that both Designrr and Sqribble are very powerful modern eBook creators that will certainly help you create stunning eBooks.
Personally I can use both quite easily, however for ease of use and if I need to create something FAST – Sqribble is my choice as it had push button content creation, lots of lovely built in templates that cover most niches.
Saying that; If I want to create something more bespoke with custom designs and my OWN content – then Designrr is my choice.
If you are conscious about price, it’s worth remembering that with a monthly fee of at least $27 ($97 yearly), Designrr will end up costing you more in the long run, as compared to Sqribble which only requires a one-time payment (at time of writing).
In all I feel that Designrr is the better choice out of the two, mostly because of the cost and ease to create an eBook filled with content and beautifully presented.
But both of these are awesome products and worth considering, then make your descision 😉