OK, so if you took 14 seconds of your life to watch the headline you might be a little confused…

Andre and Shawn are back at it again - but THIS TIME IT'S VERY DIFFERENT!!

Pay attention…

It's VERY different because this is what's happening:

Lean Businesses for Creators is...


Yup, that means NO MORE LBC…

DON'T STRESS – if you're already a Lean Businesses for Creators customer you'll be transferred to “The Durable Business” (TDB) automatically and for free!

Yup, as always – once you buy a TLB (Tiny Little Businesses) product then you have it for life. NO UPGRADE FEES!

Cool eh 😉

Right, so what's the story – what's going on with the rebranding and what's this “The Durable Business” (TDB) Course and why should you get it if you're NOT already a Lean Business for Creators customer?



I've known Andre for all my life… so when I say this is exciting I mean it!

The Durable Business in NOT a training program.

Repeat after me…

The Durable Business “course” is NOT a training program…

It's got NOTHING to do with training (well it kinda does).

But not in the training sense you know…

Putting Their Money Where Their Mouths Are!!

Why do people even say that? 

Especially with these times – why would I put my money where my mouth is??

Anyway, this is what Andre and Shawn are doing…

They're going to CREATE A NEW BUSINESS FROM SCRATCH and show you/us exactly how they're doing it.

You got that?

So starting from 0 (Zero), Nada, Null… to $100,000 in revenue! 😮

What does this mean?

This means that you get to see EVERYTHING.

The BEST part is (the USP): a durable business that will establish a solid  foundation for consistent revenue and growth (ok, I “borrowed” that part) 😉

With ANY business - especially a NEW business, you HAVE to: DVBS

Discover - who has a need, what's HOT, what do people want?
Validate - what's selling and how is it selling? What can I offer and how can I compete?
Build - Build it, the processes, systems, support, logistics... BUILD IT.
Scale - Ramp it up, more sales, more customers, more traffic... MORE!

These are my "basic" guidlines. Andre and Shawn are going to DIG in to EVERY TINY LITTLE NOOK AND CRANNY OF EACH PART AND SHOW YOU!!


(sounds like an intro to a pre-2k sales script) 🙂

Seriously tho – image seeing this.

Think about it…

Imagine seeing what they're doing and how to do it step by step.

In fact – why not COPY… ummm… DO SIMILAR/REPLICATE?

What's stopping you from doing that? 

The online world in a BIG place and there's definitely room for a little competition.

OR – apply what they're showing you in your own business

I KNOW I'm going to follow the “course” – you can never know too much.

And someone always knows, can show, teach you something new.

I'm always open to listening”and applying/testing.

I don't know if you've noticed but I keep referring tot he term “course”. 

That's because is it a…

Course or "Live Case Study"?


My interpretation is that it is more like a live case study more than anything because…

There's NOTHING to consume at the moment.

It's brand NEW.

Content will be added as Andre and Shawn go through steps of creating a new online business.

We will see and experience their “thought” process, their analysis, their reasons “why”, what steps they take to implement, what systems they use, what product/products, marketing, traffic, email sequences… the list is endless.

Now you know Andre & Shawn's stuff – it's 100% pure brain candy!

You can se this and other comments on the TDB Site

So What's The Deal?


OK, I tell a lie, it “might” be opened up again but I seriously doubt it's going to be at the price they're letting you in for now.

I've heard from the horse's mouth what it's gonna be, but I'm “sworn to secrecy”, so I can't reveal – but it's a gonna be a STEAL for what it is.

The Durable Business "Course"

(AKA: Live Case Study)
$ TBA One Time Fee - Lifetime Access
  • See how Andre & Shawn start a NEW business from scratch
  • Step-by-step you get to see exactly how everything "should be" done
  • The goal is to create a "durable" and sustainable business generating a $100,000 turnover
Black Friday

If you have ANY questions please contact me.

support@markacutt.com or use the CONTACT form.


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Created by Mark Acutt, full-time digital marketer since 2007.
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