Tiny Little Businesses Is Now OPEN!!

Finally after a many months of being “closed” Tiny Little Businesses is once again OPEN for business 🙂

But only from the 9th – 19th October 2020.

And not ALL products – this fall they're only opening their three “FLAGSHIP” products:

The Traffic Engine (TTE) is brand new for 2020.

It's a “never seen” before product.

It's a colaboration between Shawn Twing and Andre Chaperon.

If you don't know who Shawn Twing is – take a look below:

Shawn Twing is in the middle 😉

Shawn has run a digital marketing agency for 21 years.

He's had over 200 clients and completed over 650 projects and has racked up at least $100 million in ad spend.

So this guy is pretty much a “professional” traffic guru.

From what I've read about TTE it seems very informative – even the free info has given me some ideas…

One thing that really resonated with me is;
think about your traffic source then design your funnel.

I already do that, and I teach my own students the exact same thing.

Think about it – why would you create a funnel that you can't send traffic to from the traffic source you have in mind.

You want to create a weight loss offer. A lander and an optin.

You want to send paid traffic from FaceBook to your offer.

So you spend days creating the perfect funnel, optin, email sequence...

But FaceBook shut down your ads.

OR worse...

Luckily that's not my account!

Don't let it be yours…

You have to think about your offer, your message, and crucially – how are you planning on getting traffic and what are their policies?

*THEN – create your strategy and design your funnel 😉

Take a look at The Traffic Engine (TTE) here.

Autoresponder Madness V4 (2020) is finally here!

For those that already know about ARM, the previous version has been out for quite a few years already.

That doesn't mean just because it's a few years old that it's not current.

Because ARM is one of those evergreen product's that will ALWAYS be needed.

Unless we stop using email! (can't see that happening within the next 20 years).

I don't know too much about what's in ARM V4 as yet (hadn't been released), but you can read my previous review here:
Autoresponder Madness V3

Or you can visit Andre's site where you'll be able to find out more about Autoresponder Madness V4 (you should look at both).

I haven't seen Autoresponder Madness V4 yet, but I KNOW there's some major updates.

There's meant to be examples of email sequences, different scenarios, case studies…

ARM3 was great – ARM4 is looking to be mega awesome!!

Shawn Twing actually talks about SOI and being a customer of Andre's original Sphere Of Influence.

He was a little taken back as in the product is soooo good it seemed almost impossible to match/better it.

It's one of the “gold standards” of products he's brought and been through. If not the best – it's certainly ONE of the best investments he's made.

I can't go in to the details of Sphere Of Influence here as I for one KNOW that it's a very comprehensive product and if implemented – you'll have something to show.

However, I do have a review for SOI here: Sphere Of Influence Review

SOI covers so much - it really gets in to the nitty gritty of what you need to do to win over customers.

Make connections. Build trust. Make sales. SOI teaches you how.

I can't tell you yet if there's any changes in SOI for this fall's opening…

But if you haven't got a copy yet, I suggest as one of Andre Chaperon's flagship products, you get your hands on it.

Go through it two or three times – and implement it!


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Created by Mark Acutt, full-time digital marketer since 2007.
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